Respect and Being a Real Friend

Alright my classy bitches, in light of recent events in my life, I have decided to come back around and touch on the subject of RESPECT. More often than not, there are moments in my life where some people apparently lack respect for other people when they fully deserve it.

I am an extremely avid Xbox player and I absolutely love Grand Theft Auto V, Skyrim, and Far Cry 4. With these games, I play online and with a couple of friends that I had met through some of the sessions.

I now have a small, close knit group of 3 friends that I regularly play with a few days out of the week. But unfortunately, because of events that have happened, our group has now been reduced to two, not including me.

One of our friends had recently had a grandmother pass away and was pretty upset about it, even though he didn’t outwardly show it. We all knew he was heartbroken and that his heart was hurting. But apparently one of our friends didn’t want to give him the respect and time he deserved to mourn over the loss.

This whole incident started when our friend mentioned he needed a vacation. Let’s call him T. Our other friend, named B, felt that the only people who deserved a vacation was me and our other friend E because we both actually have jobs. E and I both felt that there was no reason for that statement to be said and I called B out on it. I said it didn’t matter if we worked or not, T’s grandmother JUST passed away and he was upset and needed some time to relax and recharge over the pain and loss. B apparently didn’t agree.

“It doesn’t matter, the problems will still be there when he comes back!” Be that as it may, when you suffer a deep loss and a deep sadness, sometimes just getting away from the issue itself will give you a chance to reflect on what happened and you can get out of the area that produced the sad/negative energy and then come back with “fresh eyes” and you may not be as upset. Still, B was not agreeing with us at all.

T and B went back and forth a few times before T decided to leave the group chat over a comment made about his younger brother fighting his battles for him. Mind you, that the conversation had NOTHING to do with this until B decided to bring it up. E, T, and I(me), basically kept trying to explain to B how he was being very shitty to T and that all of the comments he made were very unfair and very rude because T’s grandmother JUST PASSED AWAY THE DAY BEFORE! I was actually speechless when the whole argument started! How can you be so shitty to someone when their grandmother JUST PASSED AWAY!? It was very shocking. But shortly after the “brother fighting battles” comment, T left the group chat…

I asked, “When did this comment ever come up in conversation!? Ever since I have been friends with you, his brother has NEVER come up in conversation. Didn’t know we changed gears! But whatever!”

B: “Nope. It’s the same gear. Back in middle school and high school he would always get his brother or friends to fight his battles if he didn’t want to.”

Me: “Well it’s their fault for falling for it anyway. If he isn’t changing from that then OH WELL, but to be like this after a family member HAS PASSED AWAY is still kind of shitty no matter what the circumstances are!”

B: “He was doing it to you as well.”

Me: “I’m not going to be a bitch to someone after a family member passes away and he never had asked me to defend him! I did it because obviously steering you out of the argument doesn’t work. I could see where he was coming from in all of our past arguments and I could see his side of things. THAT’s why I defended him and THAT’s why I did what I did. I’m a neutral party because I didn’t know any of you in Middle School or High School. You both know T from when you were in school. I’m on the outside looking in and I am able to when E and I think you are going a little too overboard and we are usually right, are we not? I don’t give two shits about how T was in school. I just care about how we all are now!”

B: “Can he really mean anything that he has said and anything that he claims. He claims to be a lot like in a lot of ways, he will be just fine.”

Me: “Then why do you shit on him all the time?”

B: “Like I said, he will be fine if he is just like me.”

E: “He’s not like you B. I’ve known him longer than all of you. He became my first brother. Yeah, he won’t change but I don’t want to see a second B in the world where he becomes ruling over his Xbox friends.”

After all of this happened, E and I left the group chat and we have never looked back. I know before I left, B mentioned something about being the last one standing but in this situation, it has nothing to do with being the last one in a sense of being strong. This is just one person who can’t be respectful, being left to be by himself by his friends.

I was kind of sad when this happened, but me being the only girl in the group (and the oldest) I felt like I was playing mother from time to time with these guys. T and B would bicker about something stupid almost all the time and I would have to play mediator. E would help too, but he worked a lot so it was mainly me, and then he would come in at the end. B couldn’t understand two things in this situation:

1: Why we all though his comments were out of line…

2: Why the attention wasn’t on him as a “leader”.

B was a decent friend and could make jokes but honestly, he was a bit power-hungry. He felt the need to govern us and try to get us under his control. For example, when we would play GTA, we would always have to use HIS MC club, or HIS CEO, or HIS vehicles, or we would have to be in HIS invite-only session. We didn’t have much freedom with being “the leader” it would always have to be him.

In reality, I am pretty sure I lost a friend. But that is okay now. He was a toxic person to us and maybe our group will be better now.

(On a side note, T had the funeral and everything and said it actually went well. He got to see family he hadn’t seen in awhile and had some very fulfilling social interactions with said family members. Him and I played GTA that night and he was surprisingly in good spirits.)

Well this concludes my rant for today. STAY CLASSY BITCHES!


The Channel for Women

So recently I have been doing what almost everyone else does, and that’s watch YouTube.

I get pulled in by the charismatic gamers and the informative documentaries that people have posted and tons of other different kind of content. But there is one that has drawn me in more than any other channel…
Buzzfeed has created a couple channels that basically cater to the everyday female like me!

These channels have taught me what it means to love myself and to be proud of who I am. They do quirky “challenges” like “Living like a 50’s Housewife for a day” but they also tackle the tough talks as well…


Boldly and LadyLike work hard at opening eyes and showcasing what it means to be a strong woman. Yes, this can be seen as “feminism” but you don’t see them openly trashing men or anything like that. What is nice about all this, is the men who work AT BuzzFeed are helping these women as well! They are working TOGETHER to build people up and show that we are all connected as one group. WE are in charge of our lives and what happens. They are also not afraid to say what everyone else is thinking! I am going to share a couple of my favorite Boldly & LadyLike women that I look to for confidence and who can help me love ME for ME!

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The first person I want to talk about is Jazzmyne. She is definitely the most outspoken of the women I have chosen. I look at her and she is just OOZING confidence even though she has her weak moments where she doesn’t feel confident. When I see her personality in a video and how she basically just dominates it, I go, “Wow! I want to be just like that. I want to be confident in my own skin and I want to strive to not be afraid to do stuff just cause I’m bigger”. She is an amazing woman and she just fucking owns herself! She is fantastic and an amazing person!

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The next person that I want to talk about is Kristin. She is probably to Buzzfeed woman that I can identify with the most. She has a very different body type than other “bigger women” but she has come into her own and has put the hoof to the pavement and figured out how to class herself up! I also love how bubbly of a person she is! And also how she just tells it like it is in a “matter-of-fact” way. She knows what she is thinking and she will tell you with a shrug of her shoulder. Her nerdy factor is a big draw to me too! When the camera is rolling she isn’t afraid to hide her love of things that are super-nerdy, which of course why she was the only one who wore the “One Size Fits Most” Stormtrooper outfit to basically say one size does NOT fit most!

Women come in all shapes and sizes. (I know men, it’s shocking…) We are big, we are skinny, we are tall and we are short, but in all honesty, we are still (mostly) good people. There are some bitches who just can’t be messed with and then there are some that are waaaay out of touch with reality. We have the career driven woman, or the housewife who’s favorite thing to do is take care of the kiddies. These couple of women, and the rest at Ladylike and Buzzfeed are some that I aspire to and some that I look up to! They are fantastic women who are here to broadcast what all of us are thinking!

Sorry if this post is kind of wishy washy! I had edited it over a span of a few days so I wasn’t exactly on the same train of thought. But I hope y’all like it! I will catch you in the future. Stay classy bitches!

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The way that some high school students act is just shameful and actually upsetting. Who do you think you are? You can just waltz on in and expect adults to deal with your bullshit? You ain’t the king or queen honey so just stop!

I have seen numerous teens just think that they are the hottest shit since sliced bread and they think that there are no consequences to their actions. And you know who taught them that? Parents.

Parents honestly are part of the problem with some of these situations. They have been conditioned to be their child’s best friend instead of being a damn parent. Stop giving your kid participation awards and start showing them how the real world works! Show them that just because they show up, that doesn’t equal a 100%. Fuck no! Show them what hard work looks like! Show them that they need to step up and stop being little fuckers who will whine and whine until mommy or daddy shows up and yells at the teacher until the teacher changes their grade!

And don’t get me started on the whole “words hurt” and “safe words” bullshit. You are an asshole! There, I said it. What? Are you going to call your mom to get positive reinforcement about how you aren’t an asshole and that you are a special angel? Get over it snowflake! This country was not built on you being a pussy or you being a dis-respectable asshole. The soldiers who are more tough than you are, who are over risking their lives, are not there so you can sit and coddle your Starbucks cup with your IPhone 5000 taking selfies and posting with half your face and a billion filters talking about how hard your life is because “first world problems”.

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I have some simple advice for you:


You are not God’s gift to the human race. You are not “special” or “unique”. You are the same piece of shit as the rest of us. So don’t flatter yourself there kiddo!

And of course I understand that all you soccer moms with your daytime talk shows and your “can I speak to the manager” haircuts and your weekly wine & book clubs don’t agree with me and you think that your precious angel is special, and a star student, and could never do no wrong. Yeah… Let’s hear you say the same thing when your star student son gets the head cheerleader knocked up after a “wild night” full of discussions about sports, Taylor Swift Reinventing herself, and just one too many wine coolers that his over-age friend bought when he was home from college. Don’t flatter yourself honey, your kid is as fucked up as the rest of us.

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This false sense of, “You can do anything” or “you can be anything” is not helping these guys in any way. There are some who come out okay and THAT is because their parents understand the real world. My parents understand that the world is full of assholes because everyone is an asshole and they taught me that I need to work for what I want. Not whine until they stepped in and handled it for me. Sure, they helped with some things but that was because they had connections that got my foot in the door.

You can’t teach a kid that they can have whatever they want if they try, fail, and then get a pat on the back. When your kid gets into the workplace, they are going to be in for a rude awakening! They are going to see that mommy and daddy can’t fix everything. (unless you are the ones signing their paychecks). Sure they could pay for your car and give you an allowance, but there will come a time when the real world stuff will be in your hands. All I have to say is God Help You!

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I know a lot of this rant sounds like endless babble but its all true. You need to stop treating your kid like your bff. You kid is your kid. Not someone you can “bounce with to the club”. Your kid is your kid. Your kid is the same person from when they were drooling, pissing, and shitting everywhere, to the adult who is getting drunk, THEN pissing and shitting everywhere and because of your choices, YOU will still be there to clean up the precious babies messes.

America needs to wake up and realize that we are headed for hell. Because guess what? We are already there…


Nail Polish is Life

So in the past couple of months I have been watching one of the best YouTube channels when it comes to nail polish!

SimplyNailogical is run by Christine and her tax-loving boyfriend, Ben. (Who also likes bananas…) There two cats Menchie and Zyler are the leaders of the feline world and we are all slaves to their beauty.

Every video is filled with hilarious antics and everything that I guess you could know about nail polish.

Okay…I’ll be honest. She is crazy and borderline psycho and has been huffing too much holo powder like the Queen of Holo that she is. SNORT THAT SHIT GUURRRRL!!! But anyway, Christine has some of the best tutorials and recommendations that I have ever seen. And she makes it fun which is what you need when you do nail tutorials because nails are SO FUCKING HARD! Like seriously, my nail polish chips after a couple of days but that is my own damn fault! Oh well. But Christine is some holo witch who can keep her nail polish on for days. I MUST LEARN YOUR WAYS OH HOLO QUEEN!

She has been my supplier to one of the most addicting drugs on the market, which is the illustrious and beautiful, *drumroll* HOLOOOO!!!!!!

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Yes, I am a holo-sexual. I am a proud holo-sexual and I have been since I discovered SimplyNailogical. She has held my hand and led me into the beautiful, rainbow world of holographic nail polish. When she puts her links into the description, she is basically saying, “Here children! Come and collect the beautiful polishes. Whether it is clear coats, base coats, nail polishes, or the famous “glossy taco”, she is leading us into a world of crippling debt BUT you will have the best damn nails in town betch!

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Her tutorials are actually informative as they are funny! I have bettered my nails dramatically with everything I have learned from her! Before I could barely do my nails…But now, I am a master! (Except with liquid latex cause that shit doesn’t work around my gross nail edges… But whatever!

I encourage you to check her out and follow her on all major social media sites!

(Except Google+ cause, who the fuck uses Google+ anymore.)

So go to YouTube, snap-chat, twitter and all that shit and follow SimplyNailogical damnit!


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Worktime, Sickness, and All Around Bullshit…

A lot has been going on lately in the life of BrittsterBee. Work has been going super well and everything. There are a sew frustrating moments with some of the students but hey, it’s high school students. What can you do? It has for sure, changed a lot from when I was in high school. But in a sense… NOTHING HAS CHANGED… Like, at all. The students are still the snide, little assholes they were when I was in school. NOW, I am in an outside position to view everything instead of being part of the whole group thing. Whatever you call it, I don’t know. But everyday is interesting and everything changes everyday.

The past couple of days, I have been sick. My throat hurt, I was coughing, the nastiest of nasty was coming up my throat and I was super tired. Most of the time my throat hurt and I couldn’t speak… Ugh. It was utter shit, to be honest. Here are some things that I found that DID NOT help me at all.

-Throat Coat………….Yeah It was nasty and I found some Lemon kind, which I LOVE lemon! It’s so delicious, but this shit. Oh My God…It crawled up from the disgusting gates of hell! I understand it is a throat coat and it is supposed to HELP your throat, but whatever attached itself to my esophagus was just gross. It was like the most artificial sweet taste and the feeling when it “coated my throat” was just as bad as the first time I ever tried a “not lemon” version. The first sip was a shock and was gross, but the second actually made me gag. It just…..No. No is all I can say about this shit. It’s nasty and it is a gift from Satan himself.

-Promethazine………Yes, one of the prescription drugs the doctor gives you. It’s SUPPOSED to make you very tired, hence the reason I have taken it at night before but NO it didn’t make me tired. I was up until 2 am watching Friends because my brain just would NOT shut off! I was trying so hard and it just would NOT work. And the worst part about it all, is I was going back to work the next day. It was utter bullshit! Last night I said “FUCK IT!” and went back to good ol’ trusted NyQuil! NyQuil is where it’s at bitches!

So other than that, everything has been going pretty well. I’ve been pretty busy so blogs are kind of on the lax side so yeah. I’m just ready for Christmas now. And Thanksgiving. And snow. And all that kind of stuff….

Honestly I don’t know what the fuck to write about right now so that is what is going on in my life! Stay classy and writer’s block sucks ass….




Cue the dramatic chipmunk!

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We made it through! My fiance and I made it through his sister’s wedding last Saturday! It was definitely quite the show and I am going to share it with you! Surprisingly it was not as bad as we thought it was going to be! Except for something that she had said prior to the wedding itself…

So there were flowers that were purchased for all of the grandmothers for the wedding, but they were short one flower for her grandmother (dad’s mom). Now her grandmother is in the beginning – middle stages of Alzheimers and forgets certain things from time to time. The wedding of her grand-daughter is an event that we all know she will not forget. When posed with the question of, “When are we going to buy another flower?”, the response, FROM THE BRIDE, aka MY FIANCE’s SISTER is, and I quote from my fiance, “Oh we don’t have to worry because SHE WON’T REMEMBER ANY OF THIS“… I bolded and underlined that shit so y’all realize how fucked up that is!

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If there is ever a question in the definition of tacky, trashy, and just plain rude, this would be it.

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I know! Shocking! I was about to cry I was so angry! You just don’t do that! Like, furreal bitch!

But back to the main event…

On our Way/Arrival to Reception Venue – My fiance and I arrived at the reception venue with his best friend to setup the DJ equipment. (She was lucky we even agreed but that’s neither here nor there.) We got everything setup and we were looking at the small room that would hold maybe 100 people, and that is including the wedding party. It was decorated pretty nicely but it was very minimal. No problemo. It still looked nice and stuff. We continued to set up everything and then we went on to the actual wedding venue.

Journey to the Venue – While we were on our way, we looked at the invitation of where we needed to be. It was in a fairly large park that had different entrances and we went into the wrong one and we spent maybe 10 – 15 minutes looking for the venue before my fiance realized we went in through the wrong entrance. We then got around to the right place after stopping to get something to drink and a snack! When we arrived we went down a gravel road to where everyone else was parked. Parking looked to be a slight issue if some people were going to leave right after the ceremony.

Our Arrival – Once we arrived and got out, we met up with my fiance’s family, and some of the other guests. This was when we got a good look at everything that was set up. There was a swing hanging from a tree that, to me, would be a great spot for photos, there was a large, lifted truck, which eventually was used to play the music for the ceremony, which I had never seen before so that was a little funky. The seating was what was all sorts of crazy.

Fining our Seats – So once we visited with the family, we went to go find our seats. Like I said, this is what was all funky. The ceremony was in a “valley” kind of setting. There was a hill near us and at the bottom was a very large fire ring and benches that formed a half-circle around it. On the left side of the benches, there was an opening that went through the benches and made and aisle. This is where everything would happen. On the backside of the benches, away from the fire ring. It was kind of confusing honestly but it worked out in the end… I guess.

Ceremony – The ceremony went pretty well… Well kind of. The flower girl had a croup cough and the groom had the beginning stages of strep I’m pretty sure. So since the flower girl was not feeling good, she didn’t want to walk down the aisle. So my fiance had to carry her. There weren’t much in the ways of decoration around the ceremony area but they were blessed with the face that they had wonderful weather. There were a bunch of camo-dressed teenagers who were just hanging all over the big lift who were apparently in charge of the music. I don’t know. It worked for their needs so whatever.

Pictures (Ugh) – After the ceremony, everyone gathers for pictures. Usual stuff, nothing major. I took some pictures as well with my camera which I think turned out alright. But we were gathered for some family photos and such, and my fiance was made to take a picture with his sister (the bride). Their picture and their faces were extremely forced and they both looked like they didn’t want to be in the pictures. It was an okay time but it was very confusing with the mother of the bride wanting these pictures and then the mother of the groom wanted other pictures and it was more like push and pull so luckily my fiance, his friend and I were released to head to the reception venue.

Reception (Beginning) – So all started well and we unfortunately had to wait a bit for the wedding party to arrive which usually happens so we weren’t that worried about it. We played the boring ol’ dinner music for awhile until the wedding party arrived. My fiance’s friend went over to the door and announced them as they all came in. He did very well until he got to the end when he announced the new couple. He accidentally left off a syllable in their last name. Common accident, could happen to anyone. Well the groom didn’t see it that way. He made him do it over again and he didn’t sound nice about it and we were told after the wedding, the groom’s family weren’t too happy about that either. So he said it over again and we moved on from that.

Reception (Middle) – After a little bit of sitting and chilling out, people were being released for the dinner. It was catered by a local chicken joint and was pretty good. Like I have said before about the wedding, it’s simple within the means. It was pretty good and I liked it. I mean hey, I ain’t turning down friend chicken for anything!


Unless it’s like….KFC. KFC is too peppery. But anyway, We all ate and stuff like that and then came the “have to’s”. This is the first dance, the father daughter dance, and the mother groom dance. Everything was going pretty well. My fiance’s friend kind of flubbed up the announcing of the dances. He would accidentally say mother of the bride instead of father and then he said father of the groom instead of mother. He then played it off and made a fun joke of it. Apparently that did not sit well with the groom’s mother and there were complaints to the bride after the wedding which obviously came back to us. It’s a wedding, tensions are high, people are bound to mess up. Everyone thought the joke was funny, get over it. After that everything went swimmingly and such.

Reception (End) – Now an important note here: We did not have to play dancing music. We were DJ-ing the wedding as basically a charity act. We were not paid for our services. SO we did not have to play any dancing music for after the “have-to’s”. We did it because my fiance’s friend felt bad for flubbing up the entrances. Towards the end of the evening, it was about 8:00 and we were ready to get out of there. Most of everyone had left except for a few people from the groom’s family. When we were finished playing and beginning to pack up, the dad’s girlfriend from the groom’s side of the family was pretty upset that we had to stop playing but in all honesty the three of us agreed to play until about 8:00 or so. So we just shrugged off their complaints and said to take it up with the couple. After we were done packing up we got a thank you and hug from the groom and a thank you from the bride. My fiance’s parents came back to get something and then gave my fiance a little bit of money to split with his friend. After that we headed off to the hog roast.

Reception (Aftermath) – So apparently even though we did all of those nice things like play longer after the “have to’s” and helping the flowergirl get down the aisle and we were very cordial about everything we did, low and behold, the bride still complained. She was upset because of the whole joke thing and was upset because we didn’t play longer. I specifically recall us making it clear to her that we were not required to play after the “have to’s” and yet she was still unhappy with what we did. We were nice enough to play for her wedding even when we could have easily said, “No, you waited until the last minute.” But we were nice enough to do it because it is his sister and my future sister-in-law. Why complain though. Why complain when we did all of that for you. This makes us not want to do anymore favors!


But all in all it was a decent wedding and I am happy for them. But damn, never doing anymore huge favors for them again….

So that was out wedding escapade issues. It was interesting and there were hilariously fun moments so I won’t count it as a failure. But remember kiddies, if you ask someone to do you a favor and they go above and beyond, don’t be a dick please!

Stay classy my lovely bitches!

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Shady Bitches & “Ex” Best Friends

Yes bitch, this is about you.

Not you in particular… Just the backstabbing, two-faced, “oh I’m your bff but then hey, my whole personality is gonna change when some new bitch shows up!”, kinda people.

This is about the people who act like your friend for a couple months and then just all of a sudden drop off, and then when you do talk to them again, they have completely changed to the point where you have nothing in common! Like no bitch, this is not how being a best friend works.

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I have a friend… Previously my best friend, who I absolutely loved, but then we kind of drifted apart. “No problem” I think. “We can just catch up on our every other Saturday lunch gatherings here soon.” Well bitch was busy with I guess a bunch of weddings that happen to pop up. “No big deal” right? Well apparently other shit came up when she went with her fiance to some rock concert with another group of friends.

When I finally get to talk to her, I find out that she all of a sudden doesn’t watch Youtube anymore, (we were joint Markiplier fans), and doesn’t have an interest in anything that we used to do together anymore. I’ll level with y’all, that hurt. That really hurt.

In the past I had had some “best friends” but something like this would always happen where out of nowhere, they would be a different person. It is hard to deal with. After years of barely having any friends besides my fiance and his friends, I finally have a bitch I can hang with! Buuuuuut then this shit happens and it all comes crashing down.

Now she all of a sudden has become one of the super femonazis that doesn’t even refer to their S/O as their boyfriend or anything. I seriously saw some girl call her boyfriend, “my dick!” when he came back from wherever he was. Like he was some sort of piece of property and wasn’t even useful for anything except that. Like really?

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Isn’t being feminist, and I mean the REAL feminist, not the shitty, angry bitches with period blood on their faces, I mean the real feminists who are more worried about women being equal instead of superior. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Like, I am all for women being equal to men, but I’m not gonna refer to my fiance as his reproductive organ because I know he is more than that. But enough about Satan’s minions, let’s get back to the real issue at hand.

On top of that she is in my wedding and STILL has not gotten a bridesmaid dress. Grant, the wedding is not until June of next year but where we got the dresses from, sometimes discontinues them out of nowhere! So I don’t want to take the chance of someone not getting their dress but she keeps waiting and waiting! I can’t deal with the stress of it. The dresses are something that needs to be taken care of really soon because it takes time for them to arrive and then there are alterations and other issues to overcome! Waiting and waiting is just unacceptable. All of my other bridesmaids has their dresses or has them ordered. It is just a stress that is being put on me.

You cannot be someone’s best friend, and treat them this way. Sure you may think I am being a big baby and whining but I know I am not the only one who feels this way. When your best friend basically tosses you aside for a “newer model”, especially someone you don’t really get along with, then it really, really hurts! Like, it is similar to that of heartbreak! It makes you feel like all the time and effort you put into being this person’s friend was all for nothing.

You feel like you have lost a part of yourself. Sure your S/O may be your “other half” but truly, a best friend is your other half. They are the person that you can converse with about anything, even your significant other. This is the person, that when your whole world is falling apart, they can build you back up and make you feel better. But when that person does a 180 on their personality and such, it makes you feel angry, hurt, lost, and just depressed.

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I will be honest, I cried when all of this happened. My “bff” left a party we were all at and when she was going to leave, she gave the other girl such a big happy hug, even after she had just saw her last weekend. I hadn’t heard from her in over a month and all I got was a wave and a “bye”. So that definitely hurt.

It’s hard to look at someone that used to be your best friend, and you remember the times you laughed and what you laughed at and everything that you found enjoyable or funny is just gone now. Even how you care for your pets or family is nowhere near what it used to be.

My friend and I used to kind of take care of the things we care about similarly, but now we don’t. Her dog can do whatever he wants and not see a shrivel of discipline, but with my dog, if he tips the trash can over and throws garbage all over the living room, he will sit in his kennel for about 20 minutes. He gets disciplined and then he doesn’t tip the trash can over anymore. But her dog is not my dog so I can’t do anything about it. If he wants to chew up 100$ electronics, then so be it.

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These are just some of the reasons why I am upset about my “used to be” best friend. Now she is just my friend…

Like my mom always says, “It is, what it is…”

I still have my sister/maid of honor who is probably the closest friend I have in my corner. She will always be my best friend and has helped me cope through this and I thank her.

Promised Rant

Okay so I promised y’all some sort of rant so here it is…


This rant is about Pewdiepie, also known as Felix.

Now, in the past, Felix has made some very very shitty decisions. And I mean VERY shitty. From having a couple of guys make a sign that said “Death to all Jews” and saying the “N-word” in a live stream, he has just had a whole bunch of shit dropped on him for his decisions.

Where do I stand on the whole matter? I stand beside him. Yeah I understand he made some shit decisions but everything was blown waaay out of proportion with everything that happened. Here is this guy who is the number one subscribed channel on youtube and he is being help to such a high standard at this time that no matter what he does or says, he is always screwing up.

Okay? Lets monitor your every move and your every choice and blow it up on the internet when you mess up. Yeah, doesn’t sound so okay now does it!?

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“But his audience is young children and teens, so he shouldn’t be acting like that!” Dis bish say whaaat?


His audience has ALWAYS been children and teens and you are blind as all hell if you didn’t know that. Same with Markiplier and Jacksepticeye. Their target audience is basically anyone who plays games, just like Pewdiepie. Sure Mark and Jack have a cleaner record than Pewds but I have never known Pewdiepie to NOT push the boundaries. He has always been kind of a rebel and isn’t afraid to be a part of the “shock and awe” dynamics of the youtube world.

“But he is a bad influence and he is poisoning the youth and blah blah blah…” Guuuurl STFU. Like seriously, just no. If you think he is poisoning your children then here is a tidbit of advice…


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Sure his videos get outlandish and yeah, there was a short span of time when I thought that he was being a tool. (Cue the “I Need Your Help” video where he talked about his account being hacked) I felt his actions then were unnecessary and things could have been taken care of in a different way.

But anyway, I don’t think that all of this stuff with Pewdiepie should be taken this out of proportion. He is a genuinely nice guy and cares about his fans. He donated so much money to charity and all of that kind of stuff gets overlooked because of the shit that the media is going after him for. After awhile it gets old and nobody wants to deal with it anymore.


But let me come back to what I said before…
I understand he made bad decisions. Trust me, I totally get that, but why focus on the bad stuff he has done and let’s focus on all of the good stuff he has done for people as well. He has helped other channels grow and expand by either giving them a shout-out or just putting up videos where he played with them on his channel.

You can’t just sit there in your beanbag chair, naked, eating your gluten free Cheetos, going on about how Pewdiepie is a bad person. Nah fam… It don’t work like dat.

I’ve been a steady pewdiepie fan for awhile and I have been ever since he posted his goat simulator videos so it’s been a few years. But just think, he is this successful young man who has been doing Youtube for awhile now and has so far had a somewhat clean record. And now everyone wants to shit on it. Just stop…

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Seriously yo…Just fucking stop. Pewdiepie is cool, and you’re not so stop inflating your ego with your Dudley Do-Right wannabe personality….Nobody cares.

BrittsterBee OUT!

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It’s Been Awhile…

It has been awhile hasn’t it? I know I haven’t blogged in awhile and I am aware that nobody reads it, but it’s nice to be able to take my thoughts down and everything. But to anyone who may be reading this in the future, welcome!

Here is kind of an update on everything that is happening right now!

The crazy ass wedding for my future sister – in – law is still on and I am nervous about how it’s going to go. Apparently I have been asked to keep in charge of the guestbook tree so the groom can’t draw male genitalia all over it. The fact that, that is something that needs to be worried about is kind of unsettling, but hey, who am I to judge. It is what it is. (Be prepared to hear that a lot!)

Work has been going very well and has been taking up a lot of my time. I am discovering more and more about my students. I am able to discover how they process and what makes them work. High schoolers of this day and age are not too terribly different from when I was in high school. They all act the same and they react the same to some situations. And the cliques are very very similar as well. It just seems like the high school equation will always be the same.

There are a lot of females that have been causing some issues but it seems like it comes with the territory. But that’s neither here nor there.

I am very excited for tonight as my fiance and I are starting day 1 of our hog roast weekend! I am headed to his house after work and we are going to spend some time with our dog, then head out to our friend’s house for a hog roast! There is going to be a lot of delicious food, good music and just all around fun. This is the first fully planned hog roast since him and his wife split up. I hope everything works out the way it’s supposed to. And I have a big role to play in all of it since my mom isn’t a part of it anymore. But that’s a different story for a different day.


As far as I know, if there is no solid female leader within “the ranks” then I will be taking up my mother’s position in the whole thing. Basically we are in charge of a lot of decorating and cleaning most of the dishes from the night before. I take pride in that work and I know it is a big help when I do it, which is why I will continue to do so until something changes.

My fiance on the other hand. I know he is right in the top spot with his friends but sometimes I worry that the ranks fluctuate from time to time and he loses his place to some of his friends. It’s a fiance/wife’s worry and it always will be.

But I’m sure that’s not why you’re reading this… You are probably here because a couple of posts have been rant posts. So I promise after this one, there will be another one posted shortly after so, hold tight!

But all in all I am sure this will be a good weekend. I am more worried about next weekend. Next weekend is my fiance and I’s engagement photos. I am worried about how I am going to look, if I look fat, or the poses seem forced, or I’m afraid Moby isn’t going to cooperate. It’s a lot for me to worry about and I am actually quite nervous. But we will see how it goes.

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I have been working on a novel using script and dialogue from the Elder Scrolls: Skyrim game. Basically it will consist of the whole Skyrim experience, from the eyes of one of my characters. It is in the works right now and I may begin to put chapters here, but I am not sure. Maybe once I finally get followers and more visitors  to my blog then the decision may change and if you are truly interested in what I have finished, let me know!

But that’s kind of everything that has been happening lately to be honest. I hope to start doing other stuff in my spare time as well as blogging. So I hope you all have a great weekend!


-Cracks Knuckles-

Alright bitches buckle up because the Rant Express has pulled in! Have I got a doozy for you!

It has recently come to my attention, from my fiance, that his sister is on the verge of stressing me out more than I already am. If I haven’t mentioned, I am getting married next June. Yes congrats to me… Anyway, the fiance has told me about how his sister has basically flushed her own wedding into the toilet. Here is where the fun begins…

So far her wedding is very thrown together… And when I say thrown together, I mean she may not have an officiant, she will have no music, and no dancing… What? Isn’t that the fun part of a wedding??? Maybe I missed something here! But to each their own I guess.

The only reason she is getting married when she is, is because it’s before my wedding. It’s actually two weeks from now! She apparently said my fiance and his friend were handling the music and she said they already said yes, but a very important piece of the puzzle was missing… SHE NEVER SAID A WORD TO MY FIANCE. Let that sink in folks. My future sister-in-law. Already proving to be a compulsive liar. 

See, another thing is, I asked her to be in my wedding as a bridesmaid since she IS my fiance’s sister and all. But do either one of us get asked to be in her wedding? 


Not even her own brother got asked to be in the wedding. She hasn’t even let her mom help with anything wedding related even though her parents would pay for the venue and such. I don’t exactly know what her deal is. Maybe she’s like, on some power trip or something. But it’s kind of blowing back in her face. 

She even threatened to not be in my wedding since my fiance and I weren’t staying for the reception. We already have a previous engagement that we promised to be at well before she organized this wedding thing. She didn’t even want us sitting in the rows where family belong so why should it matter. I mean, she doesn’t really even have a reception anyway. Also I want to drink that night damnit! 

Honestly if the wedding doesn’t crash and burn and end in her being a total wreck, then I will be damn surprised. 

So yeah I will update this when the story continues to unfold! Stay classy my lovely bitches!